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From Boulder to Kisumu

December 20, 2008- January 9, 2009

  • Sally, by luck, had brought an old pair of hearing aids and a young man met on a previous visit to Addis Ababa hears now as a result.

  • The widows of Rabour, Kenya received their proceeds from the beads they made and that we sold throughout the fall. Some of which will be used to establish a micro-economic loan fund , they greeted us with songs and blessings.

  • Darryl helped to build a POSHO mill shed to hold the grain mill that will help to grind the Afya Uji Porridge Flour that is made by the DAGO Youth Network. The funds for the mill were donated by the Boulder Rotary Club for a feeding program for the Rabuor Primary School orphans.

  • The Kisumu/Boulder Sister City Committee was established.

  • We met with the Prime Minister of Kenya, the right and Honorable Dr. Raila Odinga!! He is very interested in helping to move the project forward.

  • We met with the Mayor of Kisumu, Honorable Mayor Sam Okello. Who is going to provide an office for the Kisumu Boulder side of the Committee and the newly renamed Obama Sports Park.

  • We toured many sites for additional projects in the future including the Kisumu Disabled Self Help Group and the Kochieng United Youth Group.

  • We were the first guests in a new beautiful hotel that has opened to benefit a group called OGRA that provides medical relief and food to orphans.

  • We met with another group in the United States called Isaka foundation that we are looking forward to collaborating with.

  • We met with Maxwell Marx who was there representing the Roanoke Sister City to Kisumu!

  • We brought back more beads to sell for the widows as well as a wealth of information!

  • We bought school books for former street boys through Johnson Odhiambo and Migosi Family Focus.

  • We bought tools for a carpenter who was volunteering his time to help build the house for the Posho Mill.

  • We met with many Rotarians and were the first visiting members to a new rotary club the Winam Rotary Club of Kisumu. We congratulate them on receiving their confirmation from Rotary International on their Charter.

  • We met with the Kisumu Rotary Club regarding issues with the Rabour Feeding program.

Addis Hearing aid; Sally Fistler and His Worship the Mayor of Kisumu, Sam Okello; Darryl Brown, The Rt. and Honorable Dr. Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya; The Le Savanna Hotel

Sign for Kisumu Disabled Self Help Group Office; Hippo Point and Lake Victoria; Kisumu Town Arch; Young Farmers

Goats and Chickens for the Rabuor Orphan Feeding Program, sponsored by Boulder Rotary; Dedication sign at the Rabuor School

Darryl Brown Helping to Build the Afya Uji Grain Mill Shed (Mill donated by Boulder Rotary); New handtools donated by Rocky Mountain RiverBoards to Thomas Ochieng in thanks for his donated time on the Grain Mill Shed; New Hammer Old Hammer

The Grain Mill Shed; Kisumu Boulder Sister City Committee Officers and BOD; Kisumu Boulder Sister City Committee Officers

Johnson Odhiambo Family Home Christmas Day; Kowio and DAGO Youth Network Offices; Members of the Kochieng Widows and Orphans Self-Help Group; Checks Presented to Kochieng from Beaded Jewelry Sales

Isaka Memorial Foundation Youth Sing a song of Hope; Winam Rotary Club Meeting; Kochieng United Youth Group Meeting; Tearful Goodbye to just a few of our friends

Within 50 miles of Kisumu is the Masai Mara Game Preserve

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Boulder Kisumu Sister City Committee, 1401 Adonis CT, Lafayette, CO 80026

"As the Traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstop, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own.”

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